adventurous couple session in san francisco's chinatown | urban adventure photographer


During a recent whirlwind trip to San Francisco, I got the chance to meet up with Dianna and Micah and do some exploring! Since my trip was super short, it was the perfect way to do two of the things I love most in the world: document couples + travel! Although I'd been to San Francisco before, I'd never seen Chinatown. Luckily these two volunteered to show me around! 


Dianna and Micah are fellow California transplants out of the South. While Texas and Georgia have vast differences, it's always a pleasure to connect with expats out west. Growing up in the South, marrying in your early/mid-twenties is the standard. That's something I share in common with Dianna and Micah. While there are pros and cons to marrying young, one of most rewarding parts is going through so much growth and discovery with your best friend at your side. With Dianna and Micah, I could absolutely tell this was the case. As individuals and as a couple, they're kind and energetic and totally in love. Of course, no relationship works without balance. As Micah described it, his style was more colorful and Dianna's two favorite colors are "black and off-black." Their dynamic was perfect for an urban Chinatown session in the middle of a surprisingly HOT day in San Francisco. We had so much fun sneaking down alleyways, pretzeling up on the floor of a souvenir shop, and then holing up in their favorite bar for drinks + oysters.


These corner-booth stolen kisses were sweet + delicate. Micah and I shared a huge laugh after Dianna tried her first and presumably last oyster on the half shell. They sipped Pimm's Cups as we cooled off from the sun. It was intimate, like meeting up with old friends, but for the first time ever.